Monday, November 21, 2011

Tan Klinkhămer

The klinkhămer is an excellent all-round dry fly. The parachute creates a wonderful silhouette on the water and the body sits in the surface film. Usually can produce more takes than a fly sitting on the surface.

Hook: Partridge Klinkhămer Extreme 15BNX size 10-18
Thread: Black and spider web
Body: Tan Seals Fur
Hackle:Red Game Cock Hackle
Rib:Fine Pearl Mylar (optional)
Thorax: Peacock Herl
Wing: PolyYarn,Antron,White deer hair

Tying the Light Tan Klinkhammer Step 1
1 : Start to catch in the thread onto the hookshank around 5mm from the eye.

Tying the Light Tan Klinkhammer Step 2
2 : Take a length of white Poly Yarn and catch onto the hookshank, just before the hook starts to bend.

Tying the Light Tan Klinkhammer Step 3
3 : Trim the poly yarn to the left hand side of the thread, make sure that the poly yarn is tapered. (This creates a tapered body).

Tying the Light Tan Klinkhammer Step 4
4 : Cover the poly yarn with thread.

Tying the Light Tan Klinkhammer Step 5
5 : Lift the poly yarn upwards so that it is vertical and perform a few wraps around the base to form the wing post. The post should now stay vertical.

 Tying the Light Tan Klinkhammer Step 6
6 : Wind the thread down the hook to a position well around the hook bend.

 Tying the Light Tan Klinkhammer Step 7
7 : Dub some tan dubbing around the thread. Try to keep the dubbing as fine as possible to keep the body thickness to a minimum.

 Tying the Light Tan Klinkhammer Step 8
8 : Wind the dubbing up the hookshank creating a thin body. Stop about 1/3 of the body length from the wing post.

 Tying the Light Tan Klinkhammer Step 9
9 : For the next stage, wind the dubbing up towards the wing post and then back down to the position where your started this run. Continue doing this until a tapered body is achieved as shown. (Tip: Keep the dubbing on the thread as fine as possible, you can run over the dubbing again and again to get the desired thickness)
Tying the Light Tan Klinkhammer Step 10
10 : Catch in a Brown Cock Hackle and secure vertically to the wing post. 

Tying the Light Tan Klinkhammer Step 11
11 : Take 3 peacock herls and secure to the hook shank. Return the thread to the wing post and let the bobbin hang free.

Tying the Light Tan Klinkhammer Step 12

12 : Wind the peacock herl back and forth to create a thorax, making sure that the bobbin and thread are lifted out of the way before finishing the winding at the wingpost. You will be whip finishing the thread around the wing post , securing the peacock herl at the same time.

 Tying the Light Tan Klinkhammer Step 13
13 : Secure the peacock herls with thread around the wing post, whip finish and trim any waste herl and also the thread.

Tying the Light Tan Klinkhammer Step 14
14 : Adjust the fly in the vice so that the wing post points horizontally. Catch in some spider web on the wing post and wind a few times to create a base where the feather will be wound. Be careful when using the spider web, it is very thin and brittle.

 Tying the Light Tan Klinkhammer Step 16
15 : Wind the hackle around the wing post a few times, make sure that each winding goes underneath the previous one. After the last winding pull the cock hackle end horizontally towards the vice and perform a few windings of spider web around the wing post (underneath the least winding) and trapping the waste cock hackle at the same time. Be careful not to trap too many hackle fibres. Trim the waste cock hackle.

 Tying the Light Tan Klinkhammer Final Step
16 : Finally whip finish the spider web on the wing post and trim. If for any reason there are trapped fibres which point downwards, either trim them with scissors or pick the out with a dubbing needle. Take hold of the wing post, twist it slightly and make one cut across with scissors to trim the post to length.

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